Saturday, July 10, 2021

Project 3: Part 2

ISO: 800 F-Stop: 6.3 SS: 1/80

ISO: 3200 F-Stop: 16 SS: 1/100

ISO: 6400 F-Stop: 4 SS: 1/50

ISO: 800 F-Stop: 20 SS: 1/125

ISO: 400 F-Stop: 4.5 SS: 1/20


1 comment:

  1. your photo of the reflection is very good, I can tell that you have a palm tree outside that is reflected in your window. Where are you?
    Your silhouette plays well with the light from the refrigerator, yet the water bottle is transparent and shows the light through it as well, it is very effective. Your indoor out door photo has an emotional quality to it with the fog outside.


Project 6- Final